【同义词辨析】 2019-11-27 灌输implant-infix

implant: implies teaching that makes for permanence of what is taught: ~ed an enthusiasm for reading in her students.

inculcate: implies persistent or repeated efforts to impress on the mind: ~d in him high moral standards.

instill: stresses gradual, gentle imparting of knowledge over a long period of time: ~ traditional values in your children. (gradual逐步逐渐的,来自词根GRAD表示步伐程度step, degree,如graduate毕业: 走过了某一步,汉语中"逐步"强调"有步骤"或有方法,"逐渐"中的""本来是浙一水名,逐渐强调程度"一点点"加强或加深,但不强调步骤方法)

inseminate: applies to a sowing of ideas in many minds so that they spread through a class or nation: ~d an unquestioning faith in technology.     (谚语as you sow, so shall you reap种什么,收什么;一份耕耘,一份收获;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。sow表示播种,reap本意是收割,引申为收获)  (inseminate本意是授精,来自词根SEMIN表示semen精液,如the cows are artificially inseminated这些母牛被人工授精,inseminate形容"播种"思想。同根词disseminate表示"传播"思想,来自词根dis表示离开apart,如the agency would collect and disseminate information通讯社收集和传播信息)

infix: stresses firmly inculcating a habit of thought: ~ed a chronic cynicism.

implant灌输: 指教人并使人记牢,inculcate灌输: 指持续反复地教授,使印入头脑,instill灌输: 强调长时间逐步徐缓地传授知识,inseminate播种思想: 强调在头脑中"播种"思想,在国民阶级中传播,infix使习惯: 强调形成了牢固思维定势

记忆方法: 1)首字母5I想成5个我<==灌输           "智信仁勇严"5点,是古代将帅对自己的要求(5I: 5个我),或者说灌输的思想

         2)灌输的意思是思想mean to introduce into the mind.